September 29, 2002
Off to the movies

I went to see the movie Signs with a friend on Friday. I thought it was a pretty good movie. I tend to like movies by M. Night Shyamalan. I liked Unbreakable and that "I see dead people" movie (can't think of the name of it, obviously). M. Night has his name on all three of them.

I'm still posting on my Blogger journal for the time being. I don't know why... just haven't made the full switch over to MT now that I have it up and running. Maybe soon though. I need to look over the 72 page user manual for MT in the meantime. I was going to print it out, until I discovered how long it is. I still may print it out, but first, I need to get another inkjet cartridge!

Posted by TimK at 06:14 AM
September 27, 2002
I saw a Ghost

I was out mowing some of the lawn today when I saw something up by the house. After moving a few things, I saw these two scared little eyes looking back at me. I called for Lori and grabbed one of the dogs' cages. In a few minutes we had the cutest little kitten in our hands. It's grey and white with medium-to-long hair. It appears to be about 6 months old. I haven't checked to see what sex it is yet. I was too busy making a temporary home for it. Before I got it in the cage, it was purring in Lori's arms. And boy, was it hungry! I'll look to see if anyone lost a kitten, but I'll also be happy to make it a member of the family. I'm pretty sure the other 7 cats won't mind a new friend.

Speaking of mowing, I have a new project on my list of things to do. The front tires of the lawnmower are angled away from each other, and the tie rod is bent. It makes steering a difficult task. I managed to get most of our lawn mowed, but I'm not doing any more until I get it fixed. That means the cat pen will have to wait a couple days. At least it's not supposed to rain until Tuesday.

Posted by TimK at 01:56 AM
September 25, 2002
A New Beginning

This is my first entry in Movable Type. After two hours of tinkering, I'm excited to see what it looks like.

Posted by TimK at 02:42 AM
Work progresses

Today I actually bought some of the supplies I need for the cat pen. It looks like work will progress on that in the near future... perhaps this weekend.

While I was at the lumber yard, I looked over some of the other things I need to make repairs on the house. My house, not the cats'. Indoors and outdoors. I'll be focusing on the outdoor projects for the near future... at least until it gets colder. I've got a lot of things I need to get done before fall gives way to winter.

Looks like the "Shout Out" comments thingy has a few problems. All the more reason I want to move to Movable Type. I've got a lead on how to fix the install problem I was having with MT. Hopefully, the new blog will be up and running by next week. I'll keep you informed.

Posted by TimK at 01:13 AM
September 22, 2002
149 Channels & Nothing On

The heat in our house actually came on today. It's that chilly outside. Fall came a day early. Isn't it funny how 60 degrees in Spring is a heatwave and 60 degrees in Fall is chilly?

Right now, I'm watching the Emmy awards show. Well, not really watching it. It's on the TV in the same room as me. Isn't it odd how people will actually watch these award shows? There's no plot. It's not usually funny, for the most part. And I have 149 other channels I could be watching. Oh well, it keeps me company.

Posted by TimK at 09:08 PM