September 29, 2003
New Clothes


Here are the girls in a couple of new outfits Lori bought them last week. Lori took them out shopping with her today. More new clothes for the girls! I think that today was the first time Lori has taken them out like that by herself. She said that Gracie smiled at everybody, while Lillie was sort of overwhelmed by everything. Tomorrow, we get to take them to the doctor for their 6-month checkups & shots.

Posted by TimK at 01:00 AM
September 27, 2003
It's another Friday night


The girls are doing great. My folks came over yesterday, and the girls just loved the company. I think today was a little bit of a let-down for them because it was back to the routine. But, they needed the rest. They kept my mom pretty busy yesterday, while Dad and I installed a medicine cabinet in the bathroom.

Posted by TimK at 01:18 AM
September 23, 2003
Lillie & Grace say "Hi" / Go Cubs!


The girls said their first words on Sunday. Grace was first to say the word "Hi," quickly followed by Lillie. They both said it as clear as any adult. Grace actually said it a couple of times. I had a feeling that "Hi" was going to be their first word, because I say it to them all of the time. I almost always get a smile out of them when I say "Hi" to them, so I say it a lot. They will be six months old on Wednesday.

We bought them these Cubs outfits on Saturday night, and Lori couldn't wait to put the girls into them on Sunday. Earlier tonight we learned that the Cubs had moved into first place, tied with Houston. Coincidence? We think not.

I'm catching Cubs fever. I'm not a big baseball fan, but Lori's been watching the Cubs on TV whenever she gets a chance, so I've seen quite a few games this year. I tend to go more for the action of football and basketball, but I'm getting caught up in the excitement that the Cubs may actually go quite far this year. We'll see.

Posted by TimK at 12:54 AM
September 17, 2003
Can you tell them apart yet?


So, I thought I'd post a recent photo of the girls, since I'm up late anyway after rocking Lillie back to sleep.

My mother came down and spent some time with me and the girls today. The girls really seemed to like the visit. I only wish Mom and Dad lived closer, like Lori's folks, so they could see the girls more often. When I was younger, a half hour drive was nothing. These days, though, it's an all day excursion. Maybe it will get better when the girls can walk out to the car on their own.

In answer to the title question, Lillie is on the left and Gracie is on the right.

Posted by TimK at 01:09 AM
September 10, 2003
Two with the grandparents


Here's two photos of the twins with my parents. Dad is holding Lillie, while Mom is holding Grace. Mom and Dad celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary on Monday. Lori and I have only 30 more years to go to get to that point.

Lillie fell asleep in my arms tonight, without much fuss for a change. It took about an hour for her to wind down to that point. It's funny how she seems wide awake at 10:30 p.m. when we're ready to go to bed. Gracie goes down without much problem these days. I guess I'm going to have to keep Lillie awake more of the day, perhaps eliminating one of her naps. That will be hard for me because I look forward to their naps so that I can get a few things done around here.

Posted by TimK at 12:57 AM
September 09, 2003
What I really think!

Click on the link below (it says "Read more") to see what I really think.

President Bush wants $87 million dollars to dump into Iraq. Maybe he hasn't noticed that I and a few million like me are unemployed right now. He hasn't done a thing to help the situation. And now he wants to take $87 million the country does not have and put it into Iraq. He's dumber than I originally thought he was. And I DID think he was dumb from the beginning. Thank God we only have one more year of this jerk. And I will be calling my Senator and Representative tomorrow.

And how about Donald Rumsfield? He's trying to convince the public that people that vocally disagree with the administration are aiding the Iraqi resistance. What a load of crock! They can't finish the job, so they blame fellow Americans. I say, just try to take away our Freedom of Speech, you moron. They shouldn't be recalling just the California governor... we should have recalled Bush and his whole administration!

Posted by TimK at 01:16 AM
1000 Visitors

1,000 visitors my little counter on the side tells me. I know that at least half the visitors were me, but it's nice to know that others enjoy the site too. Thanks for visiting.

I'm in a web programming class twice a week now. It's starting to be fun. Right now, we're learning a little HTML. It's giving me some ideas to try out on this site. We'll see what I can do as I become more confident.

Posted by TimK at 01:13 AM
September 05, 2003
All Dressed Up and Happy


The girls are doing great. This morning, before I went to get them, I heard them on the monitor talking to each other and laughing. I only wish I knew what they were saying to each other. When I went into the nursery, they were on their bellies looking at each other, and then smiling at me. They're so cute.

They love to be on the floor, so that they can roll around. They aren't crawling yet, but they do push themselves backwards when they are on their bellies. I just imagine that they will be hard to contain once they do get crawling. They are pretty inquisitive already.

Posted by TimK at 01:13 AM