March 17, 2004
We don't look alike, but we dress alike


Here are the girls in their matching Snoopy sleepers. Since they are twins, and even though they are not identical, we still like to dress them alike. Even when we are just staying home. A year ago, it wasn't much fun for me when we dressed them alike, because I could not tell them apart. But now, they look so different. I'm just amazed when we take them out in public that people still say they look alike. I just don't see it anymore.

Posted by TimK at 01:07 AM
March 13, 2004
More Toothy Smiles, Just for You!


Here are Grace and Lillie showing off some of their newest additions. Lillie loves to grind her teeth together, much to her mother's dismay. I don't mind, because I do it too. She probably got it from me! It's funny how many things they pick up from us. Gracie grunts when she is given food she likes. Lillie makes me pucker up before she'll give me a kiss. Gracie beats on her chest, after seeing me beat out a rhythm on my belly. And it goes on. It's cute, and it makes you aware of the little things you do.

Posted by TimK at 01:25 AM
March 10, 2004
How I Start My Day:


This is what it looks like when I walk into the girls room every morning. They are always so happy to see me. Some days they are more happy than others, but they are always happy. It makes me look forward to going and getting them.

Posted by TimK at 01:19 AM
March 07, 2004
May I Have Your Attention, Please!


Here are two extremely closeup shots of the girls as they peer into the camera. It doesn't get much more personal than that.

The girls are doing fine these days. Almost all remnants of their colds are gone, except for a few sniffles here and there. And did I mention that Lillie walked unaided on Wednesday and Friday? She's about a month behind Gracie in the walking department, yet they are both at about the same ability. Pretty soon, it will be me that can't keep up!

Posted by TimK at 01:47 AM
March 05, 2004
Two from Daddy


I just wanted to show off a couple of outfits I bought the girls. I haven't bought them many clothes; Lori usually takes care of that. Well, actually, neither of us have had to buy them many clothes yet; we're still going through clothes that they received as shower gifts. As a matter of fact, earlier today, I stuffed Lillie into a sleeper made for 3-6 month olds. It was pretty snug. It's probably time to retire that sleeper, but it was cute, so I put her in it one more time. The selection is getting thin, so that means it's laundry time again this weekend.

Posted by TimK at 01:01 AM