June 20, 2003
Scary & Hair-Raising! (Or Dad's Going to Do What?!)


Well, my first week as a stay-at-home-dad is coming to an end. As you can see from the following picture, the girls handled it just fine. We all miss having Lori around 24/7, but these are the cards we've been dealt. So, until something changes, I'll be taking care of the girls during the day.

Actually, things went pretty smoothly. The girls are at that stage where they want to sleep most of the day, except when they are eating, so I've had a lot of time to do things around the house. Then, when Lori gets home, the girls wake up and hang out with the two of us. It works out pretty nicely.

Oh, I've found a couple of web sites for my fellow stay-at-home-dads (SAHD). Check out:
The At-Home-Dad Network
Slow Lane
(Actually, Lori found them in O Magazine. I haven't checked them out yet, but plan to do so soon.)


Posted by TimK at 05:09 PM
June 06, 2003
Two More from May

Head n Shoulder0434_sm.jpgPict0634_sm.jpg

Here are two more photos we took back in May. Just wanted to share them with you.

If you click on the photo on the right, you'll notice that Grace's eyes are blue, while Lillie's eyes are brown. That's one of my little ways of telling the two of them apart.

Posted by TimK at 11:27 PM
The Life of Stars, Part II


Here's the photo from yesterday's professional photo shoot. As you can see, the girls were wonderful. They were in a great mood and stayed awake for the whole shoot. Their next shoot is scheduled for six months from now. Thanks to Nels for the photo.

By the way, here are the first two photos Nels took of the girls. The one on the left was a big hit at a recent baby expo Nels attended.


Posted by TimK at 11:15 PM
June 05, 2003
The Life of Stars


Here is a photo from the girls' photo shoot last month. They have another shoot later today. Hopefully, they'll be in a good mood.

This all started back when Lori was pregnant. Her doctor told her about this local photographer that was taking pictures of women throughout their pregnancy for a special project in conjunction with the hospital. After the babies' were born, the photographer, Nels Akerlund, asked us if we would like to continue with the shoots. We liked what we saw, so we agreed. Nels has worked with National Geographic, and is very good. I'll post the pictures from the first shoot later.

Posted by TimK at 01:59 AM
Accessories make the girl


Here's a couple more of Lillie and Grace. They are doing great. Eating, sleeping and playing. And lots of cuddle time. Lori took them for a stroll earlier today. They like looking at bright lights, but seem shocked when we take them outside into the sunshine. Maybe we need to brighten up the inside of the house a little bit. It's not like we live in a cave or anything.

Posted by TimK at 01:46 AM
June 01, 2003
Back by popular demand

Lillie 0613_sm.jpgGrace 0624_sm.jpg

Mom has requested more pictures of the twins, so here's a couple of recent photos. Lillie and Grace are both over their colds. They went to the doctor last week for their two month checkup and shots. They did pretty well, considering that they received four shots each.

Everything is going pretty smoothly. The girls are great and receive lots of attention everywhere we take them. Where one baby is cute, twin babies make people stop and talk to you. We almost always have to allot extra time when we take them places. Right now, it's kind of fun.

My friend, Rick, was here from North Carolina for David's wedding. He has a son and daughter that are twins, so Friday afternoon, we had two sets of twins in our house. That was pretty neat.

Posted by TimK at 05:53 AM
He finally took the plunge!

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Congratulations go out to my friend, David, and his new wife, Sandra. They were married on Friday night amid family, friends and a tornado warning! Not even the stormy weather could halt this wedding.

Last Saturday, the guys and I took David out to Dave and Buster's in Addison, IL for his bachelor party. Everyone had a great time and agreed that we have to do things like that more often.

Posted by TimK at 05:36 AM